Zoom Online Theater Scripts

by Jeannette Jaquish


See ALL Theater Scripts by Jeannette Jaquish
Contact Jeannette Jaquish, playwright
Rules for using Free Scripts

Zoom Theater Scripts
Free use of these Zoom theater scripts if you contact Jeannette Jaquish and tell her you are performing and name the script title, your name, school/theater/club, and phone or email.
The Damsel Game
A NEW VERY EASY all ages script-parody of "The Dating Game" from the 1970's.
Prince Charming tosses questions to Cinderella, Snow White and Rapunzel to pick his Dream Date . . . . Nightmare!
LENGTH: 15 to 20 minutes.
CAST: 5 or 6 (up to 5 girls, 1 boy, to 3 girls, 3 boys, plus off stage voices): 1 or 2 Show Hosts, Prince Charming, Cinderella, Snow White and Rapunzel. Longer stage version adds 1 princess and a TV director; ask for a Zoom version.
TECH: "Damsel Game" sign-included w/script, ordinary objects for props, princess dresses, long wig.
FREE until further notice.
Music & Damsel Game sign - When you notify Jeannette Jaquish (funantics.scripts@yahoo.com) to say you are using this Zoom script, ask for the music and sign, and she will email them free.
HOST: This capable girl can set the table and cook up a meal for 7 hungry mouths plus herself! She has known a lot of very short men and would love to date a fellow she can look up to. You know her name, she is . . . . . Snow White! Have a seat, Snow White! Our Damsel Number One!

----This Zoom script is an adaptation of stage versions with casts from 5 to 8. See it at www.theaterfunscripts.com.

All scripts and this page are copyrighted by Jeannette Jaquish
(c) 2020 Jeannette Jaquish

Email: funantics.scripts@yahoo.com