Adams State College in Alamosa, Colorado
Production of Alice in Wonderland

by Lewis Carroll, adapted for stage by Jeannette Jaquish

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Many thanks to James Willis for sending these photos of their production of this FunAntics script.
This being a college production, they did not use children, so did not have the three sizes of Alice that the script has. Their Alice, Eleanor Smith, learned ALL the lines. Their production looks exquisite.

ACTORS appearing in the photos are:
Alice - Eleanor Smith
Queen of Hearts - Sophie Simon
King of Hearts - Jonathan Andujar
The White Rabbit - Brad Greening
The Duchess - Brittney Chowning
The Mad Hatter - Jacob Sorling
The Dormouse - Greg Tucker
The March Hare - Kaitlyn Perham
The Caterpillar/Butterfly - Heather Wilder

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